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With over 28 years in the cleaning and restoration industry, Garry Carroll has developed his expertise and knowledge base through training and his personal desire to embrace new technology and cleaning and restoration techniques.

Structural drying training through Steve Swan IICRC, Kurt Bolden/Rachael Adams- Hydra lab IICRC, Chuck Dewalt American Drying Institute ADI, Robert Spencer British Damage Management Association BDMA, Ernie Storer Inject-dry Systems, A Master Textile Cleaner and Restorer through the IICRC, Master Rug Cleaning Technician training through Aaron Groseclose and Ellen Amirkhan. Trained with Bridgepoint systems and Piranha marketing.

Together, Garry Carroll and Lorelle McCulloch successfully operated and managed one of the largest Cleaning & Restoration companies in South East Queensland, Australia during 1995-2015. Building the business from 1 vehicle to the largest business in the industry in South East Queensland.

We offer our customers real life knowledge & experience which enable you to change your thinking on how you can improve your customer experience which will improve your business.


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Master Water Damage & Mould Remediation Assessment

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